With a water logged showground and restricted access on the day of set up we did begin to wonder if there were enough hours in the day to get the job done. But as always we at Marst Agri pulled it all together and even found time for fish & chips the night before the BIG day. Hadleigh Show was on 18th May 2024 and the weather was wonderful. We thoroughly enjoyed meeting existing customer and met some new ones too. Everyone enjoyed the hospitality with homemade sausage rolls, cakes and of course washed down by Tea/Coffee and cold drinks. Our Country Store did very well with lots of purchases made such as Crocs, Wellies & Clothing. Our Stiga Horticultural range proved very popular too with some sales on the day. All our Merlo, Corvus, LWC & Towmate machinery was of interest to many customer too. All in all a very successful show for Marst Agri Ltd and we look forward to more of the same next year.
Thanks from Directors Mark & Stewart and the rest of the Marst Agri Team for your continued support.